The original writng: Re-issuing:
In relation to CO2 measurements, it's worth noting that CO2 level HAS NEVER BEEN HIGHER than today's at a little lower than 400 ppm. Over 800 000 years, it has never gone higher than than mere 300 ppm until lately. So not only do we suffer from high World population that distresses nature greatly, but we also guzzle ourselves down on own mass of people and gurp about in something like 385 ppm of CO2. I must say, this is a VERY interesting experiment and that I hold WWF, IPCC and Greenpeace the most responsible, even though, as much as Pugwash "boldly" says no to nuclear weapons, common people are now betrayed by their governments and intellectuals alike! (Heh-heh, unless they DO something... but /can/ they squeeze out the necessary words and the display the necessary leadership? Yet to see...!
(Still the words of Mr. Al Gore are ringing in the ears as GREAT! See the movie, please, An Inconvenient Truth!)
This should have been TOP PRIORITY with all three, WWF, Greenpeace and IPCC. Are they ever...?
Also note that this is about Global WARMING! That means more wild nature, more chaotic nature and more heat in the World according to PLAIN views of correlation where human kind HAS NEVER BEFORE, or any other phenomenon, managed to "put this CO2 into air by industrialisation! Not that I ask people to do the impossible, but some people are ignoring the Overpopulation problem still and seems to say Carbonfootprint instead, yet giving NO or little advise over it other than "we support the development of ecological/nature-friendly technology and this is puny I think when we would have wanted uniform celebration toward harder words of what to do into the ecology friendly nature: But this ISN'T HAPPENING SIMPLY? Why? The terror of the red masque?
Also to WWF: There are 3 possible departments to address for the overpopulation problem that should never be the slightest problem for the Developed World, allowing the develo_ping_ countries some room. These are: the Health Department, Department for Environmental Protection and the Family Department/Department for Regional/Local Planning (in terms of use of territory) and be my guests for the joint (JOINT!!!) statement!!!
I've written to WWF several times, one message even got deleted and I'm not sure on their archiving routines either... Well, well, here we go again...
Also to WWF: Please, also remember that to REDUCE population by encouraging smaller families (w/o economic incentives) you actually reduce carbon footprint. With ecological technology you are only likely too and in far smaller scales than reducing the population!!! "Go, go, go, go!" Extra here: (Indeed a bit of Chinese wisdom if not only in words... :-D )
Also to WWF: I'm just thinking about it: there are carbon taxes, but what about a "country Overpopulation growth police ticket"!!!??? Like with a Flash Mob demo with these countries issuing growing population and THAT THEY'VE BEEN _ARRESTED_ for it?!!!
PETA used to have some nakedness/nudity campaigns for Animal Rights. I think WWF can be successful too!
Top priority enough... 2nd part, also "stolen"/"taken" from Wikipedia as with the image below...
2 images of Global Warming. I may add them later.
Activism on the best strategy. Following the intellectual approach, not denying the armed responses either, hence the political attempt in case corrupt government...
Monday, 20 February 2012
Additional Comment to Amnesty at 50 (Years Old)
On [url:] Amn. Int. holds that: "Who we are"
"Amnesty International’s 3 million members believe that human rights abuses anywhere are the concern of people everywhere.
Until every person can enjoy all of their rights, our candle of hope will burn. It will burn until everyone can live in dignity; until every person’s voice can be heard; until no one is tortured or executed."
My opinion: This is my (ethical/legal) view too, except that I stand by the capital punishment (by anasthetics and guillotine, only or not) for the most detached and immoral idiots _taken_! Torture, as it says, is a fundamental problem whenever and every time it happens, whether this is a hidden fact from us or not! Every instance is a fundamental problem! Execution can also be interpreted this way: political prisoners are being executed on (usually, by commonsense and civilised laws) flawed grounds! That is, people are being executed beyond the usual foundations for legal grounding. This is a fundamental problem too, but far milder (at least by shooting/decapitation) than torture and is probably more self-harm in removing the good leaders for the future, I suspect. So in this instance too, execution is indeed an awful problem!
(The French may get offended by "anasthetics and guillotine, only or not", but they have perhaps lost innocence and virginity by now...?
The above by the (headless killings of the French revolution that took its own course back then... (Also: sorry for the painful emotions if any.))
It's fairly remarkable that Amnesty seem so forgiving to criminals _who would otherwise receive the death penalty_ when THEY KNOW about the status of the legal systems in Europe today and how difficult it all is, with various threats of REAL torture and blocked suicide routes only to ensure torture. Not only this, but they seem to count the disappearances/suicides/forged suicided/covered murders (in Europe) lightly well knowing of the grotesque facts we live under today, including the human meatshops of human flesh. So to what lengths can we continue to tolerate when Amn. Int. seem to reject torture so completely and blatantly?! When are they EVER going to take the full moral responsibility for those who are silently and in hidden TORTURED in Europe today? Let's not also forget the technological possibilities... (incl. piezo-RFIDs)!
Here I sit myself without _lawyer_ and without _a possibility to fair trial_ and possibly/likely 15 violations of 30 the my Human Rights by UN _only to make the case for state approved_ torture of myself AGAINST THE JUSTICE department of Norway, also including medical personnel... So why should I SHUT UP??? [You know, what happens when you turn to the Police like I've done lately for threats??? Yes, they send you straight to psychiatry for degradation and insults to your intelligence (probably ONLY on grounds of your personal moral standing, that you can _add_ to human progress and (moral) development!!!]
There should be NO doubt that I support the following, personally: harder punishment for crimes, epecially crimes of violence, and especially further crimes of dehabilitation, fx. losing an eye by a complete idiot, the death sentence, the capital punishment by the above, but possibly incl. "the whole row according to degree of menace and immorality" and far more guns in private ownership by revolvers, pistols and rifles, even assault rifles for selected "reserve corpse" individuals, "depending on country specific "intensity" and the need to protect and defend the country's corporate life/financial life"!!!
"Amnesty International’s 3 million members believe that human rights abuses anywhere are the concern of people everywhere.
Until every person can enjoy all of their rights, our candle of hope will burn. It will burn until everyone can live in dignity; until every person’s voice can be heard; until no one is tortured or executed."
My opinion: This is my (ethical/legal) view too, except that I stand by the capital punishment (by anasthetics and guillotine, only or not) for the most detached and immoral idiots _taken_! Torture, as it says, is a fundamental problem whenever and every time it happens, whether this is a hidden fact from us or not! Every instance is a fundamental problem! Execution can also be interpreted this way: political prisoners are being executed on (usually, by commonsense and civilised laws) flawed grounds! That is, people are being executed beyond the usual foundations for legal grounding. This is a fundamental problem too, but far milder (at least by shooting/decapitation) than torture and is probably more self-harm in removing the good leaders for the future, I suspect. So in this instance too, execution is indeed an awful problem!
(The French may get offended by "anasthetics and guillotine, only or not", but they have perhaps lost innocence and virginity by now...?
The above by the (headless killings of the French revolution that took its own course back then... (Also: sorry for the painful emotions if any.))
It's fairly remarkable that Amnesty seem so forgiving to criminals _who would otherwise receive the death penalty_ when THEY KNOW about the status of the legal systems in Europe today and how difficult it all is, with various threats of REAL torture and blocked suicide routes only to ensure torture. Not only this, but they seem to count the disappearances/suicides/forged suicided/covered murders (in Europe) lightly well knowing of the grotesque facts we live under today, including the human meatshops of human flesh. So to what lengths can we continue to tolerate when Amn. Int. seem to reject torture so completely and blatantly?! When are they EVER going to take the full moral responsibility for those who are silently and in hidden TORTURED in Europe today? Let's not also forget the technological possibilities... (incl. piezo-RFIDs)!
Here I sit myself without _lawyer_ and without _a possibility to fair trial_ and possibly/likely 15 violations of 30 the my Human Rights by UN _only to make the case for state approved_ torture of myself AGAINST THE JUSTICE department of Norway, also including medical personnel... So why should I SHUT UP??? [You know, what happens when you turn to the Police like I've done lately for threats??? Yes, they send you straight to psychiatry for degradation and insults to your intelligence (probably ONLY on grounds of your personal moral standing, that you can _add_ to human progress and (moral) development!!!]
There should be NO doubt that I support the following, personally: harder punishment for crimes, epecially crimes of violence, and especially further crimes of dehabilitation, fx. losing an eye by a complete idiot, the death sentence, the capital punishment by the above, but possibly incl. "the whole row according to degree of menace and immorality" and far more guns in private ownership by revolvers, pistols and rifles, even assault rifles for selected "reserve corpse" individuals, "depending on country specific "intensity" and the need to protect and defend the country's corporate life/financial life"!!!
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
The Theorem in Political Science for the Break against Nazi-Ideology or NOT!
The theorem in political science for the break against Nazi-ideology or NOT!
Over the code sentence as a matter of (the) "highest" intelligence of the Earth, "Microsoft is working", meaning to imply a World _in chains_, NO KIDDING, all carnivore included, to a World that is leaving its best ideals in the hands of the legacy of Nazi-Germany and Nazi-ideology where people have been (and WILL BE) systematically killed, this is the urgent call to download, at least, one other Operating System, outside Microsoft Operating System and Apple Operating System, as a matter of emergency or exclusively on own system!!!
This is now or never! These people are actually moving in for IT!!! After this, given that they are successful, people WILL BE primates forever, potentially, the direct implication from above is the danger I warn you of now! Please, hurry (nr. 2)! (The first one is to act to reduce the Overpopulation problem, by natural means, by encouraging 1 or 2 (or rarely 3) kids, set into action by 1 - 3 Ministers of various departments, in a possible joint statement!)
Not to kill you or anything, I hope you can contemplate it for some time to come (if at all). I feel as if this is the Cyberpunk version over 1984, almost as if reading William Gibson *live*!!! Well, well, I think you get it! Good luck!
Remember also the code/key sentence "Microsoft is working", almost as in "Twelve Monkeys", that this includes all the most sick set-up, including all corrupt Police, all torturing health personnel and all of the rest of f*ck and hell on Earth, obviously including Monkey-biz!!!
Over the code sentence as a matter of (the) "highest" intelligence of the Earth, "Microsoft is working", meaning to imply a World _in chains_, NO KIDDING, all carnivore included, to a World that is leaving its best ideals in the hands of the legacy of Nazi-Germany and Nazi-ideology where people have been (and WILL BE) systematically killed, this is the urgent call to download, at least, one other Operating System, outside Microsoft Operating System and Apple Operating System, as a matter of emergency or exclusively on own system!!!
This is now or never! These people are actually moving in for IT!!! After this, given that they are successful, people WILL BE primates forever, potentially, the direct implication from above is the danger I warn you of now! Please, hurry (nr. 2)! (The first one is to act to reduce the Overpopulation problem, by natural means, by encouraging 1 or 2 (or rarely 3) kids, set into action by 1 - 3 Ministers of various departments, in a possible joint statement!)
Not to kill you or anything, I hope you can contemplate it for some time to come (if at all). I feel as if this is the Cyberpunk version over 1984, almost as if reading William Gibson *live*!!! Well, well, I think you get it! Good luck!
Remember also the code/key sentence "Microsoft is working", almost as in "Twelve Monkeys", that this includes all the most sick set-up, including all corrupt Police, all torturing health personnel and all of the rest of f*ck and hell on Earth, obviously including Monkey-biz!!!
Saturday, 11 February 2012
The Considerations of U.S. American Military Presence ->
Various!Posted by Terje Lea 2011-05-10 21:39:00
This is now the activists' page for the surveillance of US American influence in the world, mainly outside Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq (10 000?) and South Korea! I hope people are with me in gathering and pointing out discrepancies to the information presented on the Wikipedia pages and that we, together, can force the Wikipedia pages to become more accurate and possibly set this kind of information up elsewhere!
Under the new world order, I can imagine a shift from the #coldwar/cold war against Soviet Union/#Russia and toward making super-power truly global by ramping up military power all over the world in order to become #symmetric to USA under "LoveToUSA-war" / #LoveToUSAwar and that this war is not really any war at all (and it also sounds a lot better than "The Cold War"! World, engage your people for a better future, please!!! #coldwar #Russia #China #superpower #global.
This time it's about #military #presence by #USA around the world. I mean, the bases USA has, have thousands of people in them, not just a couple of hundred. You can check with their presence yourself in terms of #bases around the world. I can mention #Germany, Saudi Arabia / #SaudiArabia, #Japan and various other engagements around the world that I see as nothing LESS than #downright #regionally #subversive #economic #suppression! On the other hand, I do have sympathy to the military presence in (in descending respects) #Iraq and in South Korea / #SouthKorea and in #Afghanistan, obviously. I also support presence in Somalia and (with caution) the ongoing operations against Libya! But this is it! These other countries, like Germany, have presence on grounding that can only be described as "misty"!
I therefore call for the removal/withdrawal, as soon as possible/ASAP, of these bases that don't take part in a CLEAR/#clear #threat #scenario (of war). Thus, in my opinion, the bases in Germany, Saudi Arabia ( #SaudiArabia ) and Japan should go, at least!!!
Some links: ... tary_bases (Funnily enough, Wikipedia IS incredibly accessible! Thank Heaven for Se...!!!) and ... eployments.
I almost forgot: when #911 happened, USA suddenly got another excuse for its miliary "play"!!!
The above relates to #NineEleven.
When I write military presence, do not stick only to military terms of thinking!!! No, please, think in terms of all the crazy range of actions, like: "#psychiatric #techniques", #torture, #rape, #suppression, #gang #tricks, #biological #foul #play, #sabotage, "#doctors' #games" (whatever the interpretation you "like" to add!) and the whole range of sh*t!!! So, military presence CAN/DOES mean A LOT!!!
Just some thoughts on the military stuff: ... in_Germany - NO number on personnel stationed there! - NO number on the personnel stationed there! So how many are they? I mean, the list on Germany is #Satanic! Even the Novo Selo Range is "surface area of 144 km2" ("note on 12X12"). "The US Army started in late 2008 a 61.15 m USD investment"! "...stationed troops in Vicenza to 5,000", just as an example!
This looks to be a lasting project just for the surveillance, but they say "with more than 369,000 of its 1,580,255[2] active-duty personnel serving outside the United States and its territories." Alright.
Some more on these numbers:
Total: 369,000+ (2009(?))
Minus: 28,500 (South Korea, uncontroversial, 2011)
Minus: 90,000 (Afghanistan, uncontroversial, 2011)
Total2: 250,500 (hundred thousands and five hundred, possible nutcases doing all sorts of crazy stuff in the world, see list above, i.e., #gang tricks and so on...)
Germany: [numbers]
Spain: [numbers]
Japan: [numbers]
Italy: [numbers]
Greece: [numbers]
Brazil: [numbers]
Cuba: [numbers]
Note on Iraq: "By December 31, 2011, all U.S. military forces will withdraw from the country." by!
A side note on diversity of operations:
Tentatively, you may add Accenture to this set-up that I think has military/para-military facets to it. Adding this to calculated flaws of programming combined with social code of Microsoft and Google (by special indexing), prominently, with the rest following suit (i.e., AMD/Intel incl, other.), the world may well be dug thoroughly down already!
It's almost as if I can say: "Millionen stehen hinter mir" with Adolf Hitler being handed the millions of U.S. American dollars!!! This poster is, by the way, quite famous! This concerns the (pre-WW2) funding mentioned on top of this/the other writing.
This looks now dead set! There should be no doubt any longer that U.S. American radicalism is a fact in this way!
USA! You get the Tommy Gun from Emily Thompson (known for the etiquette), that's for sure!
USA again and their armed forces:
There are 2 nations in the World at current that are direct trouble and these are North Korea and Somalia. Afghanistan is being dealt with, unclear on what grounds because Bin Laden is now shot and dead, Al Qaida has been defeated!
So what is left for these U. S. American slanting about in the World. Why are they "out here with us" and not home on that U. S. American mound where they belong, these two 2 countries exempt and all other official UN missions?
No, there is only one brutal answer: they are USING these forces for something and let's be blatant about it, whether they threaten to push the nuclear ICBM buttons or launch conventional troops on all sorts of countries and other targets, of course, outside all war conventions, usually referred to as the Vienna conventions of war, as with the CIA led Bay of Pigs assault on Cuba!
That's what they're doing, all big facts included, and we need definite actions to that end that they understand that this is deeply unwelcome and unwanted, that they are doing extorting us against our every new idea and company!
How we do it? "Something like Jihad perhaps, but let's be nice about it" and SHOOT/EXECUTE the most disgusting U. S. Americans first and de-select U. S. American goods and services!
We also need to communicate this so we need this to enter media commonly! Alright? This is also a start!
(Remember that North Korea /can/ be controlled from the sea and US American navy vessels can do this by support vessels included so that there's no need for them to have /any/ Japanese bases to that end, except in South Korea, where they are wanted.)
Jihad also means "Jihad (English pronunciation: /dʒɪˈhɑːd/; Arabic: جهاد ǧihād [dʒiˈhæːd]), an Islamic term, is a religious duty of Muslims. In Arabic, the word jihād translates as a noun meaning "struggle". Jihad appears 41 times in the Quran and frequently in the idiomatic expression "striving in the way of God (al-jihad fi sabil Allah)".[1][2][3] A person engaged in jihad is called a mujahid; the plural is mujahideen. Jihad is an important religious duty for Muslims." by Wikipedia. Jihad /can/ be interpreted to be "the struggle to stay intelligent and sane and to fight for one's rights so as to rise to Allah's (or God's) intention FOR humankind, that is to rise to WHERE Allah (or God) intended us to be with our full abilities being used! And maybe the U. S. Americans, that they make it hard to make peace with one another, that they engage us to that extent that we remain in poverty and in struggle, rather than eating comfortably from Allah's designated fruits to us by our abilities that we were born with! USA is the counter-intelligence now and they need to be disciplined for it!!! There is NO DOUBT!!!
Note: this has first been published on Twitter and later added to the Philosophy Now, just today, 12.05.2011.
Note2: This has been edited today, 12.05.2011.
Note3: This has been edited today, 12.06.2011 with Accenture and other added.
Note4: originally posted as
Note5: Extra text has been added today, from Facebook, written some 3 hours ago to that site.
This is now the activists' page for the surveillance of US American influence in the world, mainly outside Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq (10 000?) and South Korea! I hope people are with me in gathering and pointing out discrepancies to the information presented on the Wikipedia pages and that we, together, can force the Wikipedia pages to become more accurate and possibly set this kind of information up elsewhere!
Under the new world order, I can imagine a shift from the #coldwar/cold war against Soviet Union/#Russia and toward making super-power truly global by ramping up military power all over the world in order to become #symmetric to USA under "LoveToUSA-war" / #LoveToUSAwar and that this war is not really any war at all (and it also sounds a lot better than "The Cold War"! World, engage your people for a better future, please!!! #coldwar #Russia #China #superpower #global.
This time it's about #military #presence by #USA around the world. I mean, the bases USA has, have thousands of people in them, not just a couple of hundred. You can check with their presence yourself in terms of #bases around the world. I can mention #Germany, Saudi Arabia / #SaudiArabia, #Japan and various other engagements around the world that I see as nothing LESS than #downright #regionally #subversive #economic #suppression! On the other hand, I do have sympathy to the military presence in (in descending respects) #Iraq and in South Korea / #SouthKorea and in #Afghanistan, obviously. I also support presence in Somalia and (with caution) the ongoing operations against Libya! But this is it! These other countries, like Germany, have presence on grounding that can only be described as "misty"!
I therefore call for the removal/withdrawal, as soon as possible/ASAP, of these bases that don't take part in a CLEAR/#clear #threat #scenario (of war). Thus, in my opinion, the bases in Germany, Saudi Arabia ( #SaudiArabia ) and Japan should go, at least!!!
Some links: ... tary_bases (Funnily enough, Wikipedia IS incredibly accessible! Thank Heaven for Se...!!!) and ... eployments.
I almost forgot: when #911 happened, USA suddenly got another excuse for its miliary "play"!!!
The above relates to #NineEleven.
When I write military presence, do not stick only to military terms of thinking!!! No, please, think in terms of all the crazy range of actions, like: "#psychiatric #techniques", #torture, #rape, #suppression, #gang #tricks, #biological #foul #play, #sabotage, "#doctors' #games" (whatever the interpretation you "like" to add!) and the whole range of sh*t!!! So, military presence CAN/DOES mean A LOT!!!
Just some thoughts on the military stuff: ... in_Germany - NO number on personnel stationed there! - NO number on the personnel stationed there! So how many are they? I mean, the list on Germany is #Satanic! Even the Novo Selo Range is "surface area of 144 km2" ("note on 12X12"). "The US Army started in late 2008 a 61.15 m USD investment"! "...stationed troops in Vicenza to 5,000", just as an example!
This looks to be a lasting project just for the surveillance, but they say "with more than 369,000 of its 1,580,255[2] active-duty personnel serving outside the United States and its territories." Alright.
Some more on these numbers:
Total: 369,000+ (2009(?))
Minus: 28,500 (South Korea, uncontroversial, 2011)
Minus: 90,000 (Afghanistan, uncontroversial, 2011)
Total2: 250,500 (hundred thousands and five hundred, possible nutcases doing all sorts of crazy stuff in the world, see list above, i.e., #gang tricks and so on...)
Germany: [numbers]
Spain: [numbers]
Japan: [numbers]
Italy: [numbers]
Greece: [numbers]
Brazil: [numbers]
Cuba: [numbers]
Note on Iraq: "By December 31, 2011, all U.S. military forces will withdraw from the country." by!
A side note on diversity of operations:
Tentatively, you may add Accenture to this set-up that I think has military/para-military facets to it. Adding this to calculated flaws of programming combined with social code of Microsoft and Google (by special indexing), prominently, with the rest following suit (i.e., AMD/Intel incl, other.), the world may well be dug thoroughly down already!
It's almost as if I can say: "Millionen stehen hinter mir" with Adolf Hitler being handed the millions of U.S. American dollars!!! This poster is, by the way, quite famous! This concerns the (pre-WW2) funding mentioned on top of this/the other writing.
This looks now dead set! There should be no doubt any longer that U.S. American radicalism is a fact in this way!
USA! You get the Tommy Gun from Emily Thompson (known for the etiquette), that's for sure!
USA again and their armed forces:
There are 2 nations in the World at current that are direct trouble and these are North Korea and Somalia. Afghanistan is being dealt with, unclear on what grounds because Bin Laden is now shot and dead, Al Qaida has been defeated!
So what is left for these U. S. American slanting about in the World. Why are they "out here with us" and not home on that U. S. American mound where they belong, these two 2 countries exempt and all other official UN missions?
No, there is only one brutal answer: they are USING these forces for something and let's be blatant about it, whether they threaten to push the nuclear ICBM buttons or launch conventional troops on all sorts of countries and other targets, of course, outside all war conventions, usually referred to as the Vienna conventions of war, as with the CIA led Bay of Pigs assault on Cuba!
That's what they're doing, all big facts included, and we need definite actions to that end that they understand that this is deeply unwelcome and unwanted, that they are doing extorting us against our every new idea and company!
How we do it? "Something like Jihad perhaps, but let's be nice about it" and SHOOT/EXECUTE the most disgusting U. S. Americans first and de-select U. S. American goods and services!
We also need to communicate this so we need this to enter media commonly! Alright? This is also a start!
(Remember that North Korea /can/ be controlled from the sea and US American navy vessels can do this by support vessels included so that there's no need for them to have /any/ Japanese bases to that end, except in South Korea, where they are wanted.)
Jihad also means "Jihad (English pronunciation: /dʒɪˈhɑːd/; Arabic: جهاد ǧihād [dʒiˈhæːd]), an Islamic term, is a religious duty of Muslims. In Arabic, the word jihād translates as a noun meaning "struggle". Jihad appears 41 times in the Quran and frequently in the idiomatic expression "striving in the way of God (al-jihad fi sabil Allah)".[1][2][3] A person engaged in jihad is called a mujahid; the plural is mujahideen. Jihad is an important religious duty for Muslims." by Wikipedia. Jihad /can/ be interpreted to be "the struggle to stay intelligent and sane and to fight for one's rights so as to rise to Allah's (or God's) intention FOR humankind, that is to rise to WHERE Allah (or God) intended us to be with our full abilities being used! And maybe the U. S. Americans, that they make it hard to make peace with one another, that they engage us to that extent that we remain in poverty and in struggle, rather than eating comfortably from Allah's designated fruits to us by our abilities that we were born with! USA is the counter-intelligence now and they need to be disciplined for it!!! There is NO DOUBT!!!
Note: this has first been published on Twitter and later added to the Philosophy Now, just today, 12.05.2011.
Note2: This has been edited today, 12.05.2011.
Note3: This has been edited today, 12.06.2011 with Accenture and other added.
Note4: originally posted as
Note5: Extra text has been added today, from Facebook, written some 3 hours ago to that site.
Friday, 10 February 2012
"Pro-proper-firewalls propagator/programmer"
I hereby solemnly declare myself "Pro-proper-firewalls propagator/programmer" with Firestarter and IPtables in heart. With this baptism, I now enter the ranks of crazy hacks of the Internet technology people!
I also have a keen eye on Windows Firewall, The Processes systems windows and manageability, various theoretical considerations of Firewall programming and viruses and, of course, the logical considerations of computability and programmability (Turing, Arti. Int. etc.) of logics, if not computing sciences directly!
Linux of the de-servered kind, eccentric to IT administrating "center" idiots should have been FAR BIGGER in the World, but somehow, when the systems are going up and the downloads of URLs start to blink on the server/mirroring screens, "the itching fingers" of base idiots ruin ALL efforts! It could therefore be a basic and fine chance for any University (with the most extraordinary efforts toward Humanity and progress, with possible Prize /in there/) to simply make the downloads possible, remove the f*cking "update to servers" option and make some "destroyed system" reporting possible on grounds of Microsoft /direct subversion/ by "online" partitioning tools! You can start with the 50 disks Debian system that exists on the internet AND THEY WILL NOT CHARGE YOU A DIME FOR IT! In addition, this can serve any people, everywhere! Pakistan, Kenya, Egypt, India, extranets, intranets, secured nets, everything! "Go, go, go, go!!!"
[Added1, 11. Feb. 2012.]
You can also keep a tab on these: , but as always "even when joining the Church of Scientology as member", there may be some drawbacks if you become too sympathic! Next...
URL: Wikipedia page: !
URL: !
URL: !
Warning on "free", when you read "free", you should mentally read, "warning: free!", but here is: !
Also with every software downloaded and installed, you may get greatly rewarded with proper _configuration_ before you "launch it onto the Internet"! Next...
URL: !
URL: ! Many of these ARE based in USA and as always, have their own little business model of money or "subversion" or "something". If they are clean, then ALL is well and good, but I give this general warning regardless, because VERY FEW services prove to be entirely clean!
There's always some f*cking on some registration of this or other, with alarms and what have you, favourite prey and this and that!!!
[End of Add1]
Note (to Whatiswritten777): First published to Facebook some minutes ago to the text on Whatiswritten777!
Note2: I've added extra text right now, first written to Facebook some time ago.
I also have a keen eye on Windows Firewall, The Processes systems windows and manageability, various theoretical considerations of Firewall programming and viruses and, of course, the logical considerations of computability and programmability (Turing, Arti. Int. etc.) of logics, if not computing sciences directly!
Linux of the de-servered kind, eccentric to IT administrating "center" idiots should have been FAR BIGGER in the World, but somehow, when the systems are going up and the downloads of URLs start to blink on the server/mirroring screens, "the itching fingers" of base idiots ruin ALL efforts! It could therefore be a basic and fine chance for any University (with the most extraordinary efforts toward Humanity and progress, with possible Prize /in there/) to simply make the downloads possible, remove the f*cking "update to servers" option and make some "destroyed system" reporting possible on grounds of Microsoft /direct subversion/ by "online" partitioning tools! You can start with the 50 disks Debian system that exists on the internet AND THEY WILL NOT CHARGE YOU A DIME FOR IT! In addition, this can serve any people, everywhere! Pakistan, Kenya, Egypt, India, extranets, intranets, secured nets, everything! "Go, go, go, go!!!"
[Added1, 11. Feb. 2012.]
You can also keep a tab on these: , but as always "even when joining the Church of Scientology as member", there may be some drawbacks if you become too sympathic! Next...
URL: Wikipedia page: !
URL: !
URL: !
Warning on "free", when you read "free", you should mentally read, "warning: free!", but here is: !
Also with every software downloaded and installed, you may get greatly rewarded with proper _configuration_ before you "launch it onto the Internet"! Next...
URL: !
URL: ! Many of these ARE based in USA and as always, have their own little business model of money or "subversion" or "something". If they are clean, then ALL is well and good, but I give this general warning regardless, because VERY FEW services prove to be entirely clean!
There's always some f*cking on some registration of this or other, with alarms and what have you, favourite prey and this and that!!!
[End of Add1]
Note (to Whatiswritten777): First published to Facebook some minutes ago to the text on Whatiswritten777!
Note2: I've added extra text right now, first written to Facebook some time ago.
Thursday, 9 February 2012
The Road Ahead for Global Security - A Proposal (and idiots do not need to suggest anything...)
To the UN: I support the view that there _can be no_ copyright/patent infringement for the military uses and that one should seek to have this convention ratified by the UN on grounds that every nation should have the possibility to make the best for the defence of their nation and use ALL (material-wise) that it takes to do so!!! Will you be there? Cheers! (SCRAMJETS are still up!!! And note on USA that's less than helpful to the World in terms of security with a consistent subtle threat of all from the "fishes" down there in the sea (like USS Miami) and the out-of-convention use of military and threat by its nuclear arsenal that some people even get frightened to hear of!!!)
Also, one can enable WTO to punish transgression on a per case basis, by the usual rules and by examples of such that "entire companies are placed under military departments only to grow big and then come out from the copyright/patent rules". This last type of examples should obviously still be struck down on!!!
Whereas the (naive) Mahatma Gandhi came out successful toward the civilised opponent of Great Britain (they still speak a version of British English today), I'd say Cold War historically is equally successful because it lead to the two nations taking part in it, to come out "alive" and possibly better prepared for the future!
The situation today is similar, but we can't risk idiotic naivity toward a possible loathing USA (in considering the ruling "forces" or "powers") on top of meat shops, torture set-ups in hospitals and other and other widespread human rights violations... No, the answer must be that this is the normative road ahead and that stiff threats that can severely damage or destroy a nation must be sought out, regardless! We need to come across as sharp to another in face of the most severe transgressions of all, the transgressions of nations, every god damn one, sticking out its Jangling Jack attitude! To this, we need the *HARD* and serious UN Security Council that works well today and should come out successful tomorrow if the proper steps are taken for it, to ensure MAD, mutually assured destruction, in the future for ALL (transgressing) nations! (This recipe is now final and normative and any excuses outside of it will not be accepted or tolerated by those who support it (because other options are likely to fail and trying to pursue other options is idiocy)!)
Note: This has first been published to Facebook during some minutes ago!
Also, one can enable WTO to punish transgression on a per case basis, by the usual rules and by examples of such that "entire companies are placed under military departments only to grow big and then come out from the copyright/patent rules". This last type of examples should obviously still be struck down on!!!
Whereas the (naive) Mahatma Gandhi came out successful toward the civilised opponent of Great Britain (they still speak a version of British English today), I'd say Cold War historically is equally successful because it lead to the two nations taking part in it, to come out "alive" and possibly better prepared for the future!
The situation today is similar, but we can't risk idiotic naivity toward a possible loathing USA (in considering the ruling "forces" or "powers") on top of meat shops, torture set-ups in hospitals and other and other widespread human rights violations... No, the answer must be that this is the normative road ahead and that stiff threats that can severely damage or destroy a nation must be sought out, regardless! We need to come across as sharp to another in face of the most severe transgressions of all, the transgressions of nations, every god damn one, sticking out its Jangling Jack attitude! To this, we need the *HARD* and serious UN Security Council that works well today and should come out successful tomorrow if the proper steps are taken for it, to ensure MAD, mutually assured destruction, in the future for ALL (transgressing) nations! (This recipe is now final and normative and any excuses outside of it will not be accepted or tolerated by those who support it (because other options are likely to fail and trying to pursue other options is idiocy)!)
Note: This has first been published to Facebook during some minutes ago!
Sunday, 5 February 2012
Conspiracy Theory: What If USA by Intelligence Operations Took Out the Religious Jews in Europe?
Conspiracy theory: what if USA by intelligence operations _took out_ the religious Jews as the biggest and hardest of the religious groups prior to and in WW2 so as to control the "white soup" all by itself and then make, by pure force, religions everywhere in Europe as the 2nd or 1st most developed part of the World, to halt or put religious people everywhere else in the World in _deep decline or economical despair_??? I'm only asking just as Stephen Colbert is asking questions!!!
Do you mind us hearing it, USA? "We respect religious people everywhere in the World and China should be allowed the weaker yuan to allow China more space to grow in!!!" ("We may suck your d*cks too, A LOT!!!")
That is, to make religions _unpopular_!
A quarter point is granted a person from South Korea for citing South Korea to "take on" the "European" code of 60 % Atheists!
Probably from under U. S. American coercion and NOT from Europe as they may be inclined to believe because we, the Europeans, have no large military set-ups going and they have exactly that in South Korea (from under the threats of (set-up by USA?) North Korea)!!!
Note: first posted on Facebook some minutes ago!
Do you mind us hearing it, USA? "We respect religious people everywhere in the World and China should be allowed the weaker yuan to allow China more space to grow in!!!" ("We may suck your d*cks too, A LOT!!!")
That is, to make religions _unpopular_!
A quarter point is granted a person from South Korea for citing South Korea to "take on" the "European" code of 60 % Atheists!
Probably from under U. S. American coercion and NOT from Europe as they may be inclined to believe because we, the Europeans, have no large military set-ups going and they have exactly that in South Korea (from under the threats of (set-up by USA?) North Korea)!!!
Note: first posted on Facebook some minutes ago!
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