The Israel-Palestine conflict - Seeking to solve it!
Various! Written by
Terje Lea 2010-12-31 13:24:49 [on]
I've written this
writing (in Norwegian) to the Committee of Palestine, a Norwegian
I believe, 02:44 AM (night...), Tue 16. Nov.
The writing basically
consists in this:
* Why isn't the UN and the EU (among others) on the spot/in
the area
with their own, coordinated, observers and work-groups (engineers
leaders/organisers) on both the Gaza-strip and the West Bank?
* (Loosely with/by unrealist42:) The observers should use the latest
technology in their mission, possibly web-cams for observing the check-points!
unrealist42 suggests the use of web-cams for monitoring the check-points
directly to the internet by full publicity. This may be too radical, but a
moderated use by the observers can be a valuable contribution! Indeed, the
latest technology should be applied as in all other (modern) countries so that
Palestine can enter contemporary standards on all fronts, including industry!
[End of edit.]
* There should be an updated map for the areas of conflict
where (as on
the Google maps) one can find check-points, surveillance
the Wall, the settlements, special conflict-zones, operating
activities and all other activity (like "finally" imported
goods to the Palestine
* I also think there should be a COMMON
web-portal for this conflict that is leaded
by UN (in the same fashion as
WWF's web-presence). Here I suggest that all activities, in progress and in
planning, are being presented/communicated. One should also emphasise the
importance of transparency (no side "fools"/"undermines" the other).
* One
may also have a money-effort surveillance page under this common portal that
displays the actual effort (and direction) to the Palestine areas (and in the
long run seriously undermines any hidden support for the tunnels into the
* One may also have a "tally" count on the number of people
involved and what they do!
* I may come to add more points as we go, but I
must say that I think the quality of the "engineering" work for ending this
conflict could have been far better and had a better progression! I hope this
improves in the immediate future!
[Edit, as extra compared to the
* An addition to this writing on this forum: It should be a standing
requirement that the representatives for Palestine accept Israel as a Jewish
state on EQUAL footing as Palestine probably announces itself/looks upon itself
as a Muslim state (i.e., the sound/massive support of Hamas, a rather
(moderately/strongly) Islamic oriented political party). Poor people also tend
to mind religious matters more strongly than fx. the affluent Europeans without
this being a point, but rather a remark one can lend one's eye to.
* Also, I
think the Israeli rhetoric has improved greatly for the last month or so.
Though, it's seen as quite provoking that they push on these settlements to this
* One report I've read, says that Israelis choose the settlements
mostly for economic reasons and it should be possible to change this incentive
or at least highlight it.
* (Loosely by Typist:) The world should support
both Israel and Palestine as equal/symmetric states. Hopefully spurring both
nations into prosperous, peaceful economic cycles of partnership, cooperation
and to the service and benefit from and to the world.
* In relation to the conflict (I-P), I'm also interested in the
status of the Palestinian airport and the arrangement for Palestinians to
communicate with one another between the Gaza strip and the West Bank. I'd also
like to know the routines for moving between these two areas (physically, as the
areas are indeed physically apart).
* Communications do include phone
connections, mobile and "regular", as well as internet. I'd also include the
aspect of communications from the Palestinian areas and to the world at
* It must be pointed out that despite the long coast line of the Gaza
strip, the Palestinians have no harbour whatsoever! Even the fishing vessels
have come under fire or harassment from time to time. There is no problem in
conceiving an Israeli administration of a Palestinian harbour during a period of
* There should be no problem in incorporating these concerns into
this web-portal if only as static reports or points. [End of
[Edit, 12.09.2011:]
* It needs to be a part of reporting that
incidents and wounded and killed are included in the (web-)reports! Formerly,
I've hoped that active policing (by the Police forces, Palestinian,
internationally strengthened (by non-Israeli) or not and the mere presence of
international observers (and set-ups as described above) would reduce incidents
and wounded and killed (in direct connection to the Israeli-Palestinian
conflict, i.e., Israeli killing Palestinian or vice versa). [End of
[Edit, 12.12.2010:]
* It should be mentioned that as Israel is
a perpetrator and that it is reluctant to acknowledge valid borders to
Palestine, its victim, this may be pathological and the issue should therefore
be openly demanded as a few countries already have recognised Palestine an own
state. Thus the next point on my "list" for an underlying plan to highlight
steps that are needed, is that Israel makes it clear what borders it recognises
so that this "pathology" can be safely scrapped, which is most welcomed by the
whole world, I assume.
* This website with this map should clearly mark the
1967-borders and the eventual contemporary borders Israel accepts today if any.
[End of edit.]
(Sincerely yours,
Mr. Terje Lea)
[Edit, 16.11.2010:]
A comment on the side, pertaining to the settlements. It's a fact that the Swiss
have been
addressing the Israelis for making Palestine look like a Swiss
cheese (a cheese, as we all know, is known for
for its "holes" (bubbles)).
[End of edit.]
PS: Let's end this together! (Joke?)
PS2: Typist is a user
at the Philosophy Now forum. This entire writing has first been written on this
PS3: unrealist42 is a user over at
PS4: This plan is updated today, 15.12.2010,
despite my protest by not writing. However, don't interpret this as I'm
beginning to write again (on my websites).
(From the original blog:
2 further notes to the
1. note.
Note I side with Turkey over the verdict that
"leaked copy of the United Nations report ... But the report also concludes that
Israel's naval blockade of Gaza is legal - a move that has angered Turkey"
because I think there's no convention (legal) or precedent for such a "legality"
in international relations. On the other hand, I suspect "the Patient of
Palestine" is suffering under "the Doctor, with split personality", overtly
Israel and USA, and covertly, EU and Norway and Colombia shoved in by FDI
(foreign direct investment, handler: USA) and "blackened Arab
personality/corrupt money (sorry to suggest this). Solution: be aggressive on
expressing frustration to friendly/charitable nations so that they can relay the
political pressure, both media and diplomatic toward the _un_friendly nations!
End of 1. note.
2. note.
On Israel and 900 new
settlement-housing units planned in East Jerusalem: In light of the planning of
900 new housing units, I call for "cautious" sanctions against Israel on all
sorts of signal products as Champagne and Parma-ham for their _consistent_
undermining of solutions with their neighbouring Palestinians. This should be
discussed at UN. And even though this definite undermining of disciplinary
reactions to Israel by USA takes place, I think the other nations are fully
entitled to announce their dissatisfaction, thus _increasing_ global pressure
against Israel for getting more serious in the conflict. The sanctions can be
justified citing worldwide security concerns as incitement for conflict and the
obvious idiot will to this incitement by the Israeli. This means that I hope
these countries can come together and give these declarations against Israel
despite the idiot vetoing by USA for making the full _other_ 6,5 - 7,0 Bn
(Billion!) people heard and that _they_ (not USA) get to give this dearly
welcomed voice to the Palestinians and their cause for a rightful state with
some borders if not directly the 1967 borders to start with! Cheers!
has also been posted United Nations Division for Palestinian Rights,
United Nations Division for
Palestinian Rights
The Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of
the Palestinian People...
I'm sorry. The world population number on
Wikip. said 7,4 Bn people. US Census says 6 937 326 780 _right now_!
deducting some here and there making it 6,5 rather than 7 at any
The Israelis should be well aware also of the possibility to
build larger housing complexes and especially _taller_ so that NO people need to
live on occupied territory/settlements obstructing peace with the
This comment of mine comes as reaction, slightly delayed,
by the story brought by TV2 with "Publisert 04.04.2011 20.28", that is published
on 04.04.2011.
The link:
utvider bosetning på okkupert land]
End of 2. note.
Note: this is
meant to continue until the conflict has ended. Thus, more is likely to be
Further comments "transferred" from :
I've made a further note on Facebook, originally that I'd like to update this posting with as comment: I've watched an interview today on BBC World where Mrs. Kay of BBC America interviews the US Ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice. It irritates me slightly how USA keeps demanding this fruitless meeting at the negotiation table, but let's meet them! I have this to say. Sure, let them make their demands to one another at a negotiation table at the UN, in New York, in Israel or in Jerusalem, at least somewhere. So they put the demands on the table and begin to "read Donald Duck or whatever" (because they have met so many times before). Thus we meet with the demand/requirement of USA for making a Palestine state. While these people of Israel and Palestine keep meeting one another, here or there, the Palestinians make a bid to the UN Security Council for an own state, The State of Palestine! This state can very well have limited sovereignty to avoid rapid hostility actions to build. This limited sovereignty is to be described under "a transition to normalcy between the two states" as a normalcy between two developed nations, fx. France and Germany. So there we begin... 1. The negotiation table, 2. The bid to the security council, 3. signing the agreement of limited sovereignty "for a peaceful transition to occur", and by this I think we're set to solve this conflict! [If USA keeps being "subversive" they need to be "reminded" of this/hammered by World presure and independent declaration from the other states at the UN, fx. Security Council and so on. Let's hope this doesn't get necessary. Just a formal point though.]
The UN's organisation's acronym is UNISPAL...
The reporters name is Katty Kay! [Finally right!]
Also posted to BBC Have Your Say and CNN IReport.
In addition to this input, I've gotten the report of CNN by Richard Roth! Peace! [Add. to the above posted to BBC and CNN.]
Salem, Shalom... (Love labours on...)
A few more remarks to the conflict:
1. As one has had 18 years of talks, there are limitations to how powerful the urge to _further_ talks can ever be, even as they are spoken by Pres. Obama!
2. I suggest that you, the Palestinians, take the words of Sarkozy to heart if your bid fails: "Let's have one month to resume discussions, six months to find agreement on borders and security, one year to reach a definitive agreement." Because this looks very constructive!
3. It seems so obscured, the peace talks, when one considers the History of Peace Talks by BBC. They seem to be lacking public communications during the peace talks and it's highly unclear whether the talks go on the WHOLE time or whether they just meet every now and then. This can be a possible issue to solve and that one makes sure that "the obstructing part" gets taken for being idiot! Thus, the very WORDS of every event of peace talks should be properly reported upon! Agree?
All the way since either 1991 or 1993, it has gone ONE WAY for the Palestinians, DOWN! They have continously lost territory! They have stayed impoverished! They are continuously suffering under hardship mentally and medically by this conflict, blockade/embargo and poverty! Think, for Christ's sake!!!
Tehnically, as with the EU Constitution, one approves of the Palestinian state and _ratifies_ it on signing the "transition to..." (as it says above). Shouldn't this be it?
One can check out the UNIPAL's collection of documents here: . This makes the opportunity to get a bit deeper and more true to the conflict than reading the more biased media reports!
I have found this search/link particularly useful: !
A good man has also uploaded a package of documents (6 pages) to Scribd: concerning the latest!
You can also read the two more recent notes here on Blogspot by myself: !
A note from me, at least, as part of follow-up in supporting a /lasting/ solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, I´d like to issue a need for Israel to have drones up in the air so that BIG bombing campaigns can be avoided (also avoiding mental stress to the population of Gaza (incl. and especially the young there)! The Quartet should also see its duty of piercing through this "noise" of reckless "rocket-attackers" and go forward with the "Swiss Cheese"-map of State Palestine! Soon, please? (Frm. pres. of France has achieved agreement for "within 2012", recently! I ask the int. community to pay respect to the words and to "make it happen"!!!)
PS: First to Facebook this time.
Just a note for #1967Zionism (1967 Zionism) in securing the Israeli side "from Palestinian/Arab- or any others aggression" in "seeking to destroy Israel"!
ReplyDeleteThis is a formal point as I can't see any likelihood for the destruction of Israel. Israel has also turned down membership in NATO in the past, but I suppose they are de facto protected by NATO regardless, "at least USA".
Thus, the 1967 Zionism enable us to focus more strongly on the Palestinian issues, securing a path to peace and established statehood, also on the Gaza strip so that Palestine is one whole nation, not divided between Fatah (West Bank) and Hamas (Gaza "strip").