Saturday 19 January 2013

The Call for the Total Abolition of Torture

With my call for the formal abolition of torture (practice/reality /should follow), I also happen to recall something about a prize for the 1st one to give a reasoned foundation for exactly the Total Abolition of Torture, (let's say early 90s, my years in Sr. High School), also along with reading a book over Amnesty International as kind of history "less than 100 pages" and something with 21 statutes in it. Am I correct?

The book is probably, at 144 pages:
"We have a suspect", The Amnesty International Handbook Amnesty International Staff (Author), Marie Staunton (Editor) written in the 80s.

I may recommend that you also buy:
Torture in the Eighties (Amnesty International Report) [Paperback], Amnesty International (Author).

By the feat of identifying this reasoned foundation for "the Abolition",
by obligation too: There is a Nobel Peace Prize and there is a Nobel Peace Prize Committee! "By this, "the Abolition"..., I know!" - Olsnes-Lea (I hope you are able to smile with me in some time to come, me not lying 6 ft. under!)

Thursday 10 January 2013

Identifying a New Human Rights Frontier Problem - Electrification

Wild speculations. Techified/electrified/electronic people, meaning full "bodied" implants of crime, criminal doctors (like Dr. Mengele), tech-administrated, tech-ears and tech-eyes, tech-neuro, spine and brain-threads, mobile-phone module implants with special recharging implants (all sodof*ck possible). The population of suspected "exploits"/exploits: 5 Mn. and growing fast! *evil-smiles* S*tanic number enough! Public degradation evident! Human Rights next? Down the f*cking mud! "I hope you like it!" (And a "happy" new year!) (And an enterprise opportunity too: "take over" Social Program accounts! Literally, become rich on Welfare money from the state to the non-existent clients they pay out to!) "First to Facebook as no rights to myself!"

Saturday 5 January 2013

The Baltic Sea and Its History - Limestone to be added? - A Matter of Ecology

After WWF and various other "whistle blowers": But for "colleagial" exchange of information and some slight suspicions of something that can possibly be unturned:Concerning the Baltic sea and fish death: can it be that, on par with (synthetic) rubber production, that an unknown gasoline derivative (Xylitin? or some) has caused massive "unfruitful"/hostile conditions for fish to grow/find food there so that ALL attempts in restoring the fish banks of the Baltic Sea will fail? Xylitol is also a questioned substance of a derivative (sugar) kind that I don't want to enter the discussion of! Good luck with investigations! Have a nice day! (Remember that polluters are dishonest and possibly hideous people and that GREAT CARE needs to be displayed in order to approach this!)And for seriousness more, that I've taken the med. doctors of epidemiology/bacteriolology/hygiene for slight alcohol tendencies, whether on the black side or the alcoholism itself! Salicylic acids of antbacteria products! Good?

I do not yet say that this story will produce these or other successes, just that I note a possible investigative angle! Alright? (Don't expect me to "toss and turn" to answer you. I have scarce time on my hands and "a bit" to do.)

I guess I withdraw from the above, while leaving the suspicion "alive" for those who want to investigate possible scenarios. While certainly not "still water" in the extreme "brackish" water sense (hence the storms, given the surface area that the winds affect), there may very well be governing principles in nature that regulates the beings fit for fresh waters and salty waters, respectively. Thus, I think most may be looking into what can fit into this Baltic Sea in terms of sea life able to cope with the salinity and the weak currents that probably bring in very little oxygen and nutrition. So what about the Dartmouth "Vade" play in the World and the Shakespeare creatures introduction to USA? I (deeply) respect the research restraints on the Baltic Sea and I have no need for extremities. That we consider this in peace and "enjoy that pace of research" connected to the whole area!

Informed suspicions of those "alive":
Suspected insertion of "unknown/poisoning chemical substances". Time: 1985, appx.

Suspect of pollution: Denmark. (USA is cleared, I think.)

Result: Fish death, other bio-deaths, vast brackish water bodies, dead Baltic Seas.

Pollution chemical: Kerosene, a hydrocarbons product, other name is paraffin, used also for "oil-lamps".

The pollution from Denmark or of the shores of Denmark, but under Danish pollution authorities may have taken place by the organisation of foreigners, like foreigners from Norway and USA and that pollution has happened by "delivery" with a specially designed "robot" vehicle.
The Baltic Sea has once been famous for the Swedish Silver, the Swedish silver herring, from what I can recall.

Suggested confirmation price tag: 20 Mn SEK for mainly a basin, naturalised and filled with sea water by direct filling system.

Now what? Yes, also check pollution records for the Baltic Sea nations. Other? Get the confirmation started.

Given the current situation of the Baltic Sea, I can recommend a qualified loading of crushed limestone straight from nature into the Baltic Sea as primary way for neutralising "damaging" effects to the Sea's ecology.

A suspected report from Denmark, 25. Dec. 1984(?, date uncertain): "They dumped 25 tons of paraffin onto the ocean (Baltic Sea) floor to prove that fishes could die!!!" This goes to the suspicions above.

Note: url:
Note2: First to Facebook profile, then to Facebook note "by Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea on Wednesday, 2 January 2013 at 03:21 CET."
Note3: Additional info over how any pollution may have taken place, i.e., by "robot" vehicle or other.

Sunday 30 December 2012

Note on CIA - The Charges... Separately from "Financial Radicalism"

Further on CIA and the charge against them for generating "simple psychologies": So, after "so much terrorism against itself", exactly, what is the "Anti-Terrorism" report of the CIA?

What is it's contents? And what are the official adversaries of USA in it? Do they manage to set up an organisation at all and does it have a country to reside in? I doubt it. Indeed, I think they are (in hiding) now setting up their own adversaries to excuse their own existence and the human rights violations they take part in for making it happen, a kind of "evil-advocacy".

They don't need to identify other countries' threats! That's not their job! But they are not to set up covert threats against other countries either. Their job is to protect the 50 states of USA, at least primarily, if not also American Samoa and a bit more.

So then, as a trait of the World today, not the destruction of the fishes' breeding grounds then under the sea, near the Gulf Stream center or "a nice" place in the Pacific or the other places where fishes breed? This is not a charge against CIA, but the real charge is that, by their flaws toward rules and regulations, by insanity too, they help bring on very negative events in the World that largely go unaddressed because the threats are fairly severe and under CIA, as a kind of monitored hostility, other countries fail to counter-act them! This is the message.

If not the lying on Iraq and its non-existant WMDs or the sacking of the Iraqi central bank or the first promise, that Iraq now after the Desert Storm and being ousted from Kuwait now was to reside inside "responsibility" because all was set up for this to happen now and for always, given modern possibilites, by sanctions, and ten other agreements to its sins against "Arab-brothers".
Concl.: CIA has to be disbanded, the organisation needs to go out of existence!
It started with US American Financial Radicalism and Warning! (I know, I'm so cool.) Alright. I just say it: My judgment is that


and that the organisation has a culture of generating "simple psychologies"! Like it or not! I die on this! ("For today.")

You can also compare the number of agents, a mix of civilians and military vs. the British equiv. MI6 (Military Intelligence, Section 6) and how the British are careful in (not) mixing the civilian and military "considerations", by only a 20 people staff. The CIA has no such distinction and "blows away" all of its 20 000, regardless!

While we in Europe have believed in freedom and competition bewteeen the corporations and "entertained" the serious debate, they have moved the other way, many or all: CONTROL!

A fine point(é) against CIA is possibly this: given /their own/ notions over matters of human intelligence, purely they are to self-annihilate as organisation because their statement is of such kind that "no limit bla, bla, bla, ... that people are bound to being "this" forever!" Hurray for UN! To the future!

Under certain presuppositions, I have to the CIA:
◾Objective ethics
◾Religious beliefs logically defended and under telepathy and Van Lommel-studies too(otherwise, "the priests' stories")
◾My attacks on The Stranger by Camus over human nature now that they've been "shown to be...", i.e., the BIG intelligence competition and the Arab number
◾The findings by mSomatism are to be included here as well (also as 1. over the attacks on "The Stranger" by 1.1. That these points are 3 pts + 1 pt.)

Now that it turns out that /I/ was with the DeepBlue against Kasparov in a programmed computer defeat of him, i.e., the former references from Sweden also, I am all the more happy!
Not that I enter such slander but some have said that CIA has had a bit of "earth ants" mark on them in the past. Just as a remark put inside the Graham Norton show of Britain.
Url: !
(Not only their "earth ant" reputation from a field "down South" from New York, but also "much of their explicit behaviour from all other".)

Some symptoms from their neighbouring Princeton University: - Science story over fish-schools.
Url more:,8599,2102612,00.html - America Votes with the Fishes.
(Perhaps they are a bit slanderous. That we must respect that they build a standard reference database for these types of "animal-studies".)

End remark for now: I apologise that this presentation is lacking in firmness of disposition that I am "nowhere near studies by the library", given a dire personal situation in corruption-Norway.

Wednesday 26 December 2012

Advise to the Religious Today - It is important to understand...

Advise to the Religious Today - It is important to understand what corruption means in terms of threats and direct and great harm in today's world. I give this advise now and I have no particular habit of repeating myself:

"With the Pope of the Catholic Church and all the bishops and all clergy of the other religions", to defend your religious faith is to be /with/ a weapon, the physical force, for that common notion of old. I suggest that NOW is the time to make it a duty once again to arm oneself for this purpose! Arm yourself, buy the guns, the pistol. Defend your faith!

Note: This message to you, brothers and sisters alike, must be considered /most/ serious, of highest importance!

(Inspired by HM Queen of Britain, "defender of faith" to Canada, part of the Commonwealth(?).)

Wednesday 5 December 2012

The Case as Method for Discipline and Strict Instruction to the Bar Associations around the World

(I'll come back to this later, the "generica is now", in Norwegian, unfortunately. 
The case now, latest (the sickening feeling in the stomach prevents me from translating this to you now:)
Fra: Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea [] 
Sendt: 4. december 2012 22:46
Til: Anundsen, Anders; Fossum, Tore
Kopi: Sanner, Jan Tore
Emne: Ad reaksjon mot Advokatforeningen videre (2) og svar til Kontroll- og konstitusjonskomiteens brev, per pdf i epost, av 04.12.2012

Til Kontroll- og konstitusjonskomiteen
Ved to eposter, Fossum, Tore, og Anundsen,
Anders, .

[Siden ingen representant fra Akershus er med i Kontroll- og
konstitusjonskomiteen så velger jeg å orientere Jan Tore Sanner, , om saken også.]

Fra Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea

Dato: 04.12.2012.

Ad reaksjon mot Advokatforeningen videre (2) og svar til Kontroll- og
konstitusjonskomiteens brev, per pdf i epost, av 04.12.2012

Mitt svar til Dere, ved Stortingets Kontroll- og konstitusjonskomite er
oppgitt i 3 punkter.

1. Først så vil jeg bemerke at Advokatforskriften oppfattes som en del av
det som er gitt ved Norsk Lovtidend og videre så er faktisk den europeiske
menneskerettighetskonvensjon, EMK, også ved bindende unilateral
forpliktelse, en dyp betraktning i utforming av Norges lover gitt ved
Stortingets daglige arbeid. Jeg finner derfor at Kontroll- og
konstitusjonskomiteen har derfor et eksplisitt og umiddelbart ansvar for å
irettesette Advokatforeningen i denne sak!

Det at disiplinær-utvalgene brutalt avviser min rett til advokat og
implisitt en rettferdig rettssak, også fordi jeg lider under sterkt press,
somatisk utmattelse mv., er grovt ift. EMK, dvs. ved seksjon 1, art. 6.

2. Alle praktiserende advokater mottar salær fra Staten Norge nettopp for
å være beskyttere av verdier i samfunnet, dvs. også de verdier som er
knyttet til rettferdighet i absolutt forstand, komplett rettferdiggjort
ved samfunnets grunnlov og i forhold til profesjonsetikk. Det hjelper ikke
de noe, Advokatforeningen, at denne saken nå også er gitt ord og saksgang,
men som kanskje også gjerne har de mange andre tiede selvmordsofre og
andre forsvunnede personer under seg!

3. Gitt de to forgående punkter så vil jeg gjerne at Kontroll- og
konstitusjonskomiteen revurderer min sak mot Advokatforeningen. Legg også
merke til, er Dere greie, om at de må ha visst at jeg videre ville miste
ytterligere 6 måneder (mars til september, omtr.) på å få ført min sak for
retten. Er ikke dette å forhindre rettens gang?

Vel, vel, i rettferdighetens navn vil jeg på ny be om vurdering av min
henvendelse til Dere slik som beskrevet over.


Med vennlig hilsen
Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea
(Jur. navn, Terje L. F. Olsnes-Lea, tidl. Terje Lea, ved epost )

PS: Det bemerkes at hvis Advokatforeningen slipper unna med dette så står
de praktisk talt fritt til å gjøre hva de vil mot klientene sine fordi
"God Advokatskikk" (eng. CCBE's Code of Conduct) således oppheves gitt en
hvilken som helst tvilsom majoritet, enten ved brutal maktbruk eller ikke,
trusler om tortur eller ikke eller drap direkte eller ikke. Nemlig!
Uansett, vil min saks "spøkelse" som følge av eventuell negativ beslutning
fra Dere implisitt medføre en "løsere" praksis i dette spørsmål, fordi
"hvis en ikke fikk, hvorfor ikke en til..." også videre, inntil juridisk
kaos og skitten maktbruk hersker samfunnet, i verste fall!

PS2: Det bemerkes spesielt ift. Kontroll- og konstitusjonskomiteens ansvar
for "Lov om styrking av menneskerettighetenes stilling i norsk rett (menneskerettsloven)", også kjent som "Menneskerettsloven".

PS3: Det bemerkes også at problemet med justismord og
forsvinninger spesielt har fått uttrykkelig oppmerksomhet fra Amnesty

(2 of 2 follows...)

PS4: Jeg siterer også retten til å stå opp for rettferdighet, også ved
menneskekarakter, i sanneste forstand, i kontrast med retten man IKKE har
til å insistere på kriminalitet!

PS5: Jeg håper dette svar leses i nøye kontekst med forrige svar, spesielt
med hensyn på juridisk kompetanse som jo advokatene besitter!

Videre, som tidligere:
PS6: Denne epost har blitt sendt med .

PS7: "Denne epost kan bli offentliggjort. Denne epost vil bli videresendt
til nære kontakter."

PS8: Dette svar er ment å emulere et skriftlig brev og jeg forventer jo
selvfølgelig at denne epost tas like seriøst som et skriftlig brev.

Ref: Menneskerettsloven, ved Lovdata, , aksessert 04.12.2012.

(This email has been somewhat corrected to give the readers a better impression, essentially correcting 2 errors of lesser importance, not distorting the message.)

Their answer to me, of late, 4. December 2012, one only to this point, as the case demands:

Kontroll- og konstitusjonskomiteen
[Formalia, adresse, logo og annet.]

Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea

Vedr. henvendelse til kontroll- og konstitusjonskomiteen

Kontroll- og konstitusjonskomiteen viser til brev av 16. november i år der
det kommer frem at De har sendt en klage på tre advokater til
Kontroll- og konstitusjonskomiteens mandat er å føre kontroll med at
regjeringen og forvaltningen gjennomfører de vedtak Stortinget har fattet.
Klager på advokater, og på Advokatforeningens saksbehandling, ligger
således utenfor det komiteen kan befatte seg med.

Komiteen har derfor ingen kommentarer til der som fremkommer i Deres

Med vennlig hilsen
Kontroll- og konstitusjonskomiteen
[signatur med blå penn]
Anders Anundsen
[Alt over midtstilt, fra "Med vennlig...".]

(Judgment from myself: this is really a negative answer. However, I think they'll come around given the latest above.)

The start of the case against the Norwegian Bar Association, 16. November 2012, starts as given way above:

Hei dere i Kontroll- og konstitusjonskomiteen

Jeg vil herved anmelde min sak om Advokatforeningen gitt et åpenbart brudd
i deres saksbehandling av min klage på 3 (tre!) advokater.

Dette gjelder Advokatforeningens behandling av min klage over å bli
nektet advokat ved disiplinærutvalgene 2, 3 og 6, med visse
reservasjoner gitt min hukommelse.
Formalia for saken til Advokatforeningen er ihvertfall, med noe grad av
forfalskning, 10.10.2011, 17.10.2011 og 21.10.2011 og saksreferanser,
hhv., OSL-022-2011, OSL-020-2011 og OSL-021-2011 og alle skal være
undertegnet av "saksbehandler" Inger-Johanne Hammer.
Også her har jeg fått nei til svar ved min fastholdelse over 3.3.1, som
selvfølgelig gjelder EMK, menneskerettighetene og retten til rettferdig
rettssak ved *kompetent* advokat, mot deres godkjennelse av 1.2, hvor
motpartene, 3, har vunnet frem. Det har ført med seg negative
konsekvenser for mitt liv.
Det skal også innvendes at 1.2 IKKE har relevans for klientforhold i det
hele tatt og at Advokatkoden ved CCBE er relativt klar og at det
igrunnen skal være relativt enkelt å avgjøre om brudd har blitt begått
eller ikke.

Jeg ber derfor om at Advokatforeningen rammes og straffes tilstrekkelig
slik at den autoritet som vaktbikkje overfor advokatene som den jo burde
være slik at den normative profesjonalitet kan ivaretas, dvs. beskytte
og være istand til å stramme opp advokatstandens ry og rykte generelt,
også med hensyn på den siste tidens allmenne lys på nettopp dette
(f.eks. EMK og selvmordsproblematikken som jo kan være en betydelig
belastning på mange familier).

(... - follows...)

Med vennlig hilsen
Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea
(Jur. navn: T. Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea, med adresse i Akershus, gitt
tilsvarende Stortingsrepresentant.)

PS: Denne epost har blitt sendt med .
PS2: Denne epost kan bli offentliggjort. Denne epost vil bli videresendt
til nære kontakter."

(Extra note in email to them, this committee:)
[Jeg beklager uformell bruk av "dere" i stedet for Dere.]

Sunday 2 December 2012

"Echelon" (by CIA) against the World Population Forever NO MORE!!!

It's of my opinion under former accusations of USA by "Hindenburg-New York-USA" that USA shall for all time further be (explicitly) prevented from executing such surveillance schemes as "Echelon" as they are now shown to be NO MORE than any other nation! This excludes charges going on against any nation by the International Criminal Court of the Hague and similar charges in any *national* court. (Sharp note (also formerly to IRAN here on Facebook): Perhaps the World should use more "political attempts" against blatant wrongdoing by USA (and Canada)!)

Note that USA also "chains"/holds Facebook (Communication), Google (Search), Gmail (Email), Microsoft/Apple (Operating System), Intel/AMD/formerly IBM (Processors) and other (fx. Accenture)! Beware!

Monday 19 November 2012

The Work to End the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict - The Activism...

The Israel-Palestine conflict - Seeking to solve it!

Various! Written by Terje Lea 2010-12-31 13:24:49 [on]

I've written this writing (in Norwegian) to the Committee of Palestine, a Norwegian
committee, I believe, 02:44 AM (night...), Tue 16. Nov.

The writing basically consists in this:
* Why isn't the UN and the EU (among others) on the spot/in the area
with their own, coordinated, observers and work-groups (engineers and
leaders/organisers) on both the Gaza-strip and the West Bank?
[Edit, Unsp.:]
* (Loosely with/by unrealist42:) The observers should use the latest technology in their mission, possibly web-cams for observing the check-points! unrealist42 suggests the use of web-cams for monitoring the check-points directly to the internet by full publicity. This may be too radical, but a moderated use by the observers can be a valuable contribution! Indeed, the latest technology should be applied as in all other (modern) countries so that Palestine can enter contemporary standards on all fronts, including industry! [End of edit.]

* There should be an updated map for the areas of conflict where (as on
the Google maps) one can find check-points, surveillance cameras,
the Wall, the settlements, special conflict-zones, operating UN/EU/others'
activities and all other activity (like "finally" imported goods to the Palestine

* I also think there should be a COMMON web-portal for this conflict that is leaded
by UN (in the same fashion as WWF's web-presence). Here I suggest that all activities, in progress and in planning, are being presented/communicated. One should also emphasise the importance of transparency (no side "fools"/"undermines" the other).
* One may also have a money-effort surveillance page under this common portal that displays the actual effort (and direction) to the Palestine areas (and in the long run seriously undermines any hidden support for the tunnels into the Gaza-strip).
* One may also have a "tally" count on the number of people involved and what they do!
* I may come to add more points as we go, but I must say that I think the quality of the "engineering" work for ending this conflict could have been far better and had a better progression! I hope this improves in the immediate future!

[Edit, as extra compared to the email:]
* An addition to this writing on this forum: It should be a standing requirement that the representatives for Palestine accept Israel as a Jewish state on EQUAL footing as Palestine probably announces itself/looks upon itself as a Muslim state (i.e., the sound/massive support of Hamas, a rather (moderately/strongly) Islamic oriented political party). Poor people also tend to mind religious matters more strongly than fx. the affluent Europeans without this being a point, but rather a remark one can lend one's eye to.
* Also, I think the Israeli rhetoric has improved greatly for the last month or so. Though, it's seen as quite provoking that they push on these settlements to this degree.
* One report I've read, says that Israelis choose the settlements mostly for economic reasons and it should be possible to change this incentive or at least highlight it.
* (Loosely by Typist:) The world should support both Israel and Palestine as equal/symmetric states. Hopefully spurring both nations into prosperous, peaceful economic cycles of partnership, cooperation and to the service and benefit from and to the world.

[Edit, 17.11.2010:]
* In relation to the conflict (I-P), I'm also interested in the status of the Palestinian airport and the arrangement for Palestinians to communicate with one another between the Gaza strip and the West Bank. I'd also like to know the routines for moving between these two areas (physically, as the areas are indeed physically apart).
* Communications do include phone connections, mobile and "regular", as well as internet. I'd also include the aspect of communications from the Palestinian areas and to the world at large!
* It must be pointed out that despite the long coast line of the Gaza strip, the Palestinians have no harbour whatsoever! Even the fishing vessels have come under fire or harassment from time to time. There is no problem in conceiving an Israeli administration of a Palestinian harbour during a period of transition!
* There should be no problem in incorporating these concerns into this web-portal if only as static reports or points. [End of edit.]

[Edit, 12.09.2011:]
* It needs to be a part of reporting that incidents and wounded and killed are included in the (web-)reports! Formerly, I've hoped that active policing (by the Police forces, Palestinian, internationally strengthened (by non-Israeli) or not and the mere presence of international observers (and set-ups as described above) would reduce incidents and wounded and killed (in direct connection to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, i.e., Israeli killing Palestinian or vice versa). [End of edit.]

[Edit, 12.12.2010:]
* It should be mentioned that as Israel is a perpetrator and that it is reluctant to acknowledge valid borders to Palestine, its victim, this may be pathological and the issue should therefore be openly demanded as a few countries already have recognised Palestine an own state. Thus the next point on my "list" for an underlying plan to highlight steps that are needed, is that Israel makes it clear what borders it recognises so that this "pathology" can be safely scrapped, which is most welcomed by the whole world, I assume.
* This website with this map should clearly mark the 1967-borders and the eventual contemporary borders Israel accepts today if any. [End of edit.]
(Sincerely yours,
Mr. Terje Lea)

[Edit, 16.11.2010:] A comment on the side, pertaining to the settlements. It's a fact that the Swiss have been
addressing the Israelis for making Palestine look like a Swiss cheese (a cheese, as we all know, is known for
for its "holes" (bubbles)). [End of edit.]
PS: Let's end this together! (Joke?)
PS2: Typist is a user at the Philosophy Now forum. This entire writing has first been written on this forum.
PS3: unrealist42 is a user over at
PS4: This plan is updated today, 15.12.2010, despite my protest by not writing. However, don't interpret this as I'm beginning to write again (on my websites).
(From the original blog:

Original URL:

2 further notes to the conflict:
1. note.
Note I side with Turkey over the verdict that "leaked copy of the United Nations report ... But the report also concludes that Israel's naval blockade of Gaza is legal - a move that has angered Turkey" because I think there's no convention (legal) or precedent for such a "legality" in international relations. On the other hand, I suspect "the Patient of Palestine" is suffering under "the Doctor, with split personality", overtly Israel and USA, and covertly, EU and Norway and Colombia shoved in by FDI (foreign direct investment, handler: USA) and "blackened Arab personality/corrupt money (sorry to suggest this). Solution: be aggressive on expressing frustration to friendly/charitable nations so that they can relay the political pressure, both media and diplomatic toward the _un_friendly nations! Good?
End of 1. note.

2. note.
On Israel and 900 new settlement-housing units planned in East Jerusalem: In light of the planning of 900 new housing units, I call for "cautious" sanctions against Israel on all sorts of signal products as Champagne and Parma-ham for their _consistent_ undermining of solutions with their neighbouring Palestinians. This should be discussed at UN. And even though this definite undermining of disciplinary reactions to Israel by USA takes place, I think the other nations are fully entitled to announce their dissatisfaction, thus _increasing_ global pressure against Israel for getting more serious in the conflict. The sanctions can be justified citing worldwide security concerns as incitement for conflict and the obvious idiot will to this incitement by the Israeli. This means that I hope these countries can come together and give these declarations against Israel despite the idiot vetoing by USA for making the full _other_ 6,5 - 7,0 Bn (Billion!) people heard and that _they_ (not USA) get to give this dearly welcomed voice to the Palestinians and their cause for a rightful state with some borders if not directly the 1967 borders to start with! Cheers!

This has also been posted United Nations Division for Palestinian Rights,
United Nations Division for Palestinian Rights
The Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People...

I'm sorry. The world population number on Wikip. said 7,4 Bn people. US Census says 6 937 326 780 _right now_!

Thus deducting some here and there making it 6,5 rather than 7 at any chance!

The Israelis should be well aware also of the possibility to build larger housing complexes and especially _taller_ so that NO people need to live on occupied territory/settlements obstructing peace with the Palestinians.

This comment of mine comes as reaction, slightly delayed, by the story brought by TV2 with "Publisert 04.04.2011 20.28", that is published on 04.04.2011.

The link:
[Israel utvider bosetning på okkupert land]
End of 2. note.

Note: this is meant to continue until the conflict has ended. Thus, more is likely to be added!

Further comments "transferred" from :

I've made a further note on Facebook, originally that I'd like to update this posting with as comment: I've watched an interview today on BBC World where Mrs. Kay of BBC America interviews the US Ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice. It irritates me slightly how USA keeps demanding this fruitless meeting at the negotiation table, but let's meet them! I have this to say. Sure, let them make their demands to one another at a negotiation table at the UN, in New York, in Israel or in Jerusalem, at least somewhere. So they put the demands on the table and begin to "read Donald Duck or whatever" (because they have met so many times before). Thus we meet with the demand/requirement of USA for making a Palestine state. While these people of Israel and Palestine keep meeting one another, here or there, the Palestinians make a bid to the UN Security Council for an own state, The State of Palestine! This state can very well have limited sovereignty to avoid rapid hostility actions to build. This limited sovereignty is to be described under "a transition to normalcy between the two states" as a normalcy between two developed nations, fx. France and Germany. So there we begin... 1. The negotiation table, 2. The bid to the security council, 3. signing the agreement of limited sovereignty "for a peaceful transition to occur", and by this I think we're set to solve this conflict! [If USA keeps being "subversive" they need to be "reminded" of this/hammered by World presure and independent declaration from the other states at the UN, fx. Security Council and so on. Let's hope this doesn't get necessary. Just a formal point though.]
The UN's organisation's acronym is UNISPAL...
The reporters name is Katty Kay! [Finally right!]
Also posted to BBC Have Your Say and CNN IReport.
In addition to this input, I've gotten the report of CNN by Richard Roth! Peace! [Add. to the above posted to BBC and CNN.]
Salem, Shalom... (Love labours on...)

A few more remarks to the conflict:
1. As one has had 18 years of talks, there are limitations to how powerful the urge to _further_ talks can ever be, even as they are spoken by Pres. Obama!
2. I suggest that you, the Palestinians, take the words of Sarkozy to heart if your bid fails: "Let's have one month to resume discussions, six months to find agreement on borders and security, one year to reach a definitive agreement." Because this looks very constructive!
3. It seems so obscured, the peace talks, when one considers the History of Peace Talks by BBC. They seem to be lacking public communications during the peace talks and it's highly unclear whether the talks go on the WHOLE time or whether they just meet every now and then. This can be a possible issue to solve and that one makes sure that "the obstructing part" gets taken for being idiot! Thus, the very WORDS of every event of peace talks should be properly reported upon! Agree?

All the way since either 1991 or 1993, it has gone ONE WAY for the Palestinians, DOWN! They have continously lost territory! They have stayed impoverished! They are continuously suffering under hardship mentally and medically by this conflict, blockade/embargo and poverty! Think, for Christ's sake!!!

Tehnically, as with the EU Constitution, one approves of the Palestinian state and _ratifies_ it on signing the "transition to..." (as it says above). Shouldn't this be it?

One can check out the UNIPAL's collection of documents here: . This makes the opportunity to get a bit deeper and more true to the conflict than reading the more biased media reports!

I have found this search/link particularly useful: !
A good man has also uploaded a package of documents (6 pages) to Scribd: concerning the latest!

You can also read the two more recent notes here on Blogspot by myself: !

A note from me, at least, as part of follow-up in supporting a /lasting/ solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, I´d like to issue a need for Israel to have drones up in the air so that BIG bombing campaigns can be avoided (also avoiding mental stress to the population of Gaza (incl. and especially the young there)! The Quartet should also see its duty of piercing through this "noise" of reckless "rocket-attackers" and go forward with the "Swiss Cheese"-map of State Palestine! Soon, please? (Frm. pres. of France has achieved agreement for "within 2012", recently! I ask the int. community to pay respect to the words and to "make it happen"!!!)
PS: First to Facebook this time.

Friday 28 September 2012

Bizarre Wikipedia Administrators / Wikipedia - Checking it out...

1. Appeal toward Unblock:
Dear Administrators of WikipediaI have no motive for subverting you. I haven't had any motive for "acting against you". What Jonathanfu wants out of his attention, probably outside "his articles" either way, is beyond me. I'm merely looking at quality of articles and think about what people can benefit from reading. I know that most contributors here, at least, the Administrators, are academics and I expect quality approach from them for this reason. So, apart from running in with Jonathanfu, there is very little to point to for me. Most warnings have been pretty speedy as if they are not entirely mediated upon. So I'm with you, but why are you against me? I'm supposed to improve on a behavioural pattern that I'm not aware of. Is it this material on "Assisted Suicide" and the rest, 2 or 3 articles or is it something else? Am I not supposed to be able to write to the article that pro-suicide-legislation should have an "Intellectual Defence"? No, I find this incredible too, also according to my experience with studying at university of "not the worst quality". So tell me, in a better way, what you want and I will probably improve without "selling my soul to the Devil" because I am most certainly with you and, of course, Wikipedia. I've honestly tried to act exemplary both to Wikipedia's 5 Pillars, but also to general service considerations of what the general public may want to read as useful input! Offers (2): I can offer a "lower profile", if that's what you want? It's the smallest thing for me to write less to you and Wikipedia in general. I can also offer to enter a mentor-program if you want it? Good?Sincerely yours,L. F. Olsnes-LeaPS: I also happen to know that Jonathanfu has been the guy who failed to identify the green pyramids on the back of Scientology books, even though the links were only lines above his own statement. I wonder if he even read books. That's how miserable the judgment is of these people so they can safely lean back on their WP:SOAP, WP:VAN, WP:OR, "WP:DEVIL" and "WP:ALLTHENONSENSEINTHEWORLD". If I prevail through this, I want the rights to laugh of these people hideously!!!
2. Appeal toward Unblock:
(Of Unblocking)
Yes, very important. The very document that I've been (partly, at least?) blocked for has no copyright mark on it as a matter of fact. You can check yourself. I also happen to think of a reason for this, exactly that the ECHR (Human Rights of Europe) and CCBE Code of Conduct run hand in hand. They don't ''need'' a copyright on the document, they only need to control the content of the document and see to it that it contains what they have intended it to contain. Again, this also speaks against the judgment of (that) user, Jonathanfu (for how long can you ''afford'' to have him on the team?), but this is a very small point, though. So what do you think? Can I be unblocked some time soon, please?

If Unblock, what articles:
Those on my watchlist, but far more rarely now as I happen to think most issues are finally "out there" and has won over possible obstacles of idiocy, that intelligence has decided these issues and that, therefore, I don't need to write very much here on Wikipedia anymore because of this.

Anything else:My consistent appeal toward quality of articles, caring for the information demand that people may have and contributing to the destruction of illusions (charicaturely, perhaps, such as Scientology representing Satan-writing (or Xenu writing). That CoS promotes religious tolerance and brotherly/sisterly friendship among all people without becoming "evangelist" on this issue, but rather noting the ethics and the autonomy for its followers by pp. 33(?) and a few (by New Slant on Life). That I have consistently trying to remain in the spirit of the Wikipedian 5 Pillars and that I have certainly not taken part in malice here on Wikipedia (like fx. hate-crime). Thank you!
3. Appeal toward Unblock:
(Of Unblocking)
Well, as it now turns out, I am of the sound opinion that the very reason why I am blocked is because I am perceived to "damage" or "disrupt" Wikipedia "in a number of ways", whatever these are. Let me say, please, first of all, Wikipedia is a direct reflection of reality. When there is unrest in Mexico and civil war in Syria, some of this "recoils" back to Wikipedia as well. Given the nature of articles, people begin to write about it or have written about, more or less emphatically for lots of time already. As much as it is disruptive to mention "Cop Killer" by Body Count or write the articles of Rodney King and Ku Klux Klan, I don't admit a fragment of this charge! The World is no place for angels and I think you know very well about it! The bottom line is that I haven't been breaching the Wikipedian 5 Pillars and that I strive to contribute with description and not idiocy! What about now then, please?
If Unblock, what articles:
As the first "unblock appeal", only the 48 [the real number is 44] or less that I'm now watching, even then with less intensity.
Anything else:
No, not really.

Note: These Wikipedia administrators have definite information responsibilities to the World and here we are with serious issues such as decisions over Euthanasia vs. continued pains of life, also under grievous circumstances, possibly also including episodes of torture and severe traumas. This is not a child's game!
Note2: That blocking on German Wikipedia is simply too little to consider, given a feeble addition of words to 3 TalkPages, hardly ever visited by the general public and a hysterical row over making a "Bild-Datei" file accessible to the general public by definite German search strings, possibly all 3, in this case. So, this is just to puny to mention. Probably, in general, the German should have been /more/ happy than less happy because some things could have been clarified faster by broader information flows, "but who cares???"
Note3: Jonathanfu is noted for, despite having the files right above him, asking for the green pyramids of Scientology, thus, "Jonathanfu Green Pyramids"... There is some other too, like him turning an argument from Pro to Con and thinking he's right in doing so too!

"The exotic side":
So here we have the Wikipedian WP policies, if not the [WP:Voodoo] and the [WP:Spell-on-you]: [WP:Battleground] (who am I fighting?) - , [WP:NotHere], supposedly I'm not on Wikipedia to contribute with information to higher quality articles or to build an encyclopedia, [WP:Competence], and I don't have the competence either if we are to believe their accusations, their schizophrenia/fixation (on "brain" animal as slave in basement)?, [WP:IDHT], that I'm short of understanding because I *don't* convert arguments like Jonathanfu, mistaking the whole argument the other way, and finally, [WP:CrystalBalling], allegedly, I could mistake Wikipedia for being a crystal ball, unknown how it is supposed to happen! Can't we have the [WP:TieFighter] because you don't know your Star Wars movies like your local Wikipedia administrator too? Or the [WP:Create-More-Jedis-for-the-Jedi-Religion] because Wikipedia is afraid of losing one of its articles due to dwindling members of the Jedi-Religion is there truly is any such, although, unknown to Wikipedia is the logical conditional of it all! Cheers!???
Of course, my user-talk-page is here: !

Note: You know, it must be my hidden autism...!

Tuesday 25 September 2012

A More Steady World - This is for Japan, Malaysia, South Korea, and Thailand

Dear Excellencies and Dignitaries of Japan, Malaysia, South Korea, and Thailand

This is a slight political recommendation now, that is, to be acted upon shortly "for opening up the World" (NATO 2 or not) for You to join NATO as soon as You like. Therefore, I hope You bother to consider this suggestion, in common or not, in joining NATO, that is, practically speaking, sending in the application "readily" together with or not, either or all of Your 4 countries of Japan, Malaysia, South Korea, and Thailand. These countries are nominated carefully, not that I am from King's College of War in London.

Still, I hope You like my suggestion and that this, of course, entirely up to You, all 4 or not. There should be, in this, very fine consequences and that Earth society actually gains two steps or more in decency by it. As we, together, now know, the promises should be clear, diplomatically put!

Good luck with Your further affairs!

Sincerely Yours,

Leonardo F. Olsnes-Lea

PS: I have lately seen new signals from Japan in terms of military equipment and that the new type of agreement under UN Security Council, usually, has redefined World security considerably. Not only for the nuclear weapons powers, but also the UN Security Council members, NATO itself, and the other (more general) members of the UN in total as they have very little military engagement to speak of, even potentially.