Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Further On the Euro Crisis!

Concerning the Euro and the differences over it, it's my opinion that it has been a great triumph and that the challenges ahead relating to *greater* scientific and industrial cooperation are now most evident! So when the situation speaks for division, we should live up to the (future) European fraternity/sorority and strike out this "petty" crisis for good by doing exactly this, ehancing industrial and scientific cooperation!!! (We shouldn't forget to include, to be so hospitable, the UK in an EU that can hold both the Euro and the Pund!) To Europe and the Future! Cheers!

Note: Even though, the Eurozone is suffering still, it holds vast resources by possible "quantifed easing" as it stays comfortably above both the Pound and the Dollar, showing off a far greater line of successes by presiding 1,43 to the Dollar when we a while ago would be worried over 1:1 ratio to the Dollar! To the Pound the story is the same, increasing it's value _over_ it, as massive currency, a mountain unmovable! So in this crisis, our common job is to work hard to keep the jobs and to create new ones! This will be our primary Euro crisis killer!

Note: First posted by L.F.O.-L. at 12/12/2011 02:12:00 AM CET. The header was Monday, 12 December 2011!


First written to Facebook moments ago.
Let me add the reminder that ALL currencies are founded in "goods and services"!!! There are NO foreseeable dramatic shifts to exactly this aspect of European life, the goods and services produced, THUS WE ARE RELATIVELY SAFE almost no matter what! I'd also like to note the latest numbers on unemployment by EU vs. USA:
US. Labor Department, Oct. 2011:
United States (1) ...................| 9.0
EU Labour Statistics, Oct. 2011:
Euro 17...................................... 10.3 %
Euro 16...................................... 10.3 %
EU 27........................................ 9.8 %
EU 15........................................ 9.8 %
If we ever had an agreement with USA on labour it is NOW BROKEN!!! (Because of the 0.8 % difference in unemployment rate!) Not that I want it this way, but to rely on USA as a symmetric partner, leaning back on corruption and decadence, WILL prove to be a deep fallacy for us!!!
12 December 2011 02:56 CET. I think the Euro may be bigger than the Dollar. Also, it carries more hospitability and not the controversy of U. S. American "ignorance" of all matters here and there, by false claims of WMD in Iraq, the inefficacy for their cooperation with Mexico and 40 years "helping" Colombia, but also leaving that dead Palestinian from 2010 in the grave. (Though, the Palestinian cause can be amended with their cooperation by end of 2012 if the plant is successful "and we all hope it becomes successful"!)
Euro - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"The euro (sign: €; code: EUR) is the official currency of the eurozone: 17 of ..."
I also like to note the briiliant move to "fiscal discipline" and not "tax rate discipline" because tax rates involve in a sense deep impacts into national budgets while the fiscal discipline involves only that budgets are kept, not how you arrive there. Thus you avoid to make "hundreds of decisions in one move" by sticking to budget discipline rather than enforcing certain tax politics that have always remained the center of focus by right-left politics! We would have ended up with a distant political giant in Brussels and with our electives doing "strange stuff" instead, our electives would have become without power so to speak. And if they were to regain it, we would have the EU circus all over again, crises of for all time to come!!!
12 December 2011 03:21 CET.

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